Don't forget your wedding album by Lisa Klipfel, Heritage Makers Director
Everyone wants to look back upon their wedding with a smile. It is a day we look forward to, we prepare for, we enjoy, and we want to remember each detail. The wedding album is one of the most popular ways that to share your memories with others.
Sadly, it is one of the items that many couples are missing these days as they cut back on expenses for their wedding. We have a low cost solution if you have chosen a CD only package with your photographer. Heritage Makers offers heirloom quality hard bound, and even leather books.
Customize your Wedding Book today. You get to be in control of the photos, the design, the captions, and the story. You can write about the cute flower girl dropping the petals, the touching toast by the best man, or how grandma got down on the dance floor. You can create the personalization of the stories of your wedding day.
Heritage Makers Products include 7 different size books, but our most popular book for the wedding is our 11x13 Legacy Leather Book. Heritage Makers products can be used for capturing the wedding, guest sign book, brag book gifts for the bridal party, honeymoon books, posters and canvas prints, photo playing cards, save the date announcements, bridal shower and bachelorette party invitations, photo wedding invitations, and photo thank you cards.
One of the great benefits is that you can create and design the book yourself, but you don't have to! There are great wedding templates in our system, or you can contact Lisa Klipfel to have her design the book for you. Contact Lisa Klipfel for more information, discount, and design needs today at lisa@cheetahlegacy.com
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Hi Guys
I’m a newbie here, getting married in August. I have been looking into the process of changing my name, we’re thinking of hyphenating or meshing (meshing is where you apparently take half of your husbands name and half of your maiden name, so Smith and Jones would become “Jonsmi” (bad example!).
All of these things you can only do by Deed Poll (unless you’re just taking his name or he’s taking yours). Then, last week, I was watching ITV daytime telly and Christine Hamilton appeared because she has made a video about changing your name. I found the website – then I found this article. In short, do we really need to get married? My partner and I now think that we should get married by Deed Poll, as it were. The only downside that we can see is that if either one of us wins the lottery, the other isn’t entitled to half.
What are your thoughts guys?
p.s. Here’s the Christine Hamilton video which shows you how to do it:
Figures launched today by name change specialists, The Legal Deed Service has found an increasing number of couples are opting out of tying the knot in favour of changing their name by deed poll to that of their current partner.
The new report has found that since April, applications made to The Legal Deed Service for their innovative title change service, is up by 75 per-cent.
Chief executive of The Legal Deed Service, Jamie Jackson said, “We are getting so many people contacting us to change their name to that of their current partner and snubbing marriage altogether! It seems to be a mixture of the added expense of a wedding and lack of commitment that is seeing this new trend – it is a major indication of the state of marriage in the UK in today’s society.”
Mr Jackson, whose online service costs just over £10 for a standard adult name change and just £11.50 to change a child’s name, said, “Our theory is that couples who were planning to get married before the credit crunch are finding it increasingly difficult to pay for their dream wedding. As a result they are opting for our name change service as a more cost effective alternative.”
As well as changing your surname to that of your partner people are contacting The Legal Deed Service to change their title from Miss to Mrs.
Angela Yates, from Kent has recently put in an application with The Legal Deed Service to change her name to that of her partner after having two small children, she said, “I wanted to change my name to Mrs Angela Childs, so that my two children had the same name when they went to school.”
Angela added, “I wouldn’t want a big white wedding anyway but financially it is an issue, we have thought about marriage but when people get married these days it seems to ruin everything. I would recommend a name change to anyone in the same position, me and my partner consider ourselves to be married anyway.”
Figures released in March this year show that in 2006 marriage rates in England and Wales have fallen to the lowest level since records began, a reduction of four per-cent. In the current crisis, experts are estimating that when the figures are released for 2008, this will fall even further.
Jamie Jackson whose offices are in London and Shropshire, added, “With the average cost of a wedding being around £11,000 the current economic crisis is a huge hurdle for many couples wanting to embark on married life. To be honest I think many couples are reluctant to tie the knot because of the increasing divorce rates experienced today.”
Mr Jackson added, “We have also had 84 applications since the end of September from people who are starting divorce proceedings and want to change their name back from Mrs to Miss. It seems most women just can’t wait for their divorce proceedings to become finalised and are changing their name back to their maiden name.”
This is copied from: www.thelegaldeedpollservice.org.uk
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