There are so many reasons to to be in love. Perhaps it's the long walks on the beach, or laughing during engaging conversations. Whatever the reason, we keep our loved ones close to our heart. Valentine's Day is a great way to share with others how much they mean to you. Consider the look on her face when she sees that you have given her not only
jewelry, but a necklace with a photo of you, or your favorite place to visit. She will think of you everytime she puts on that necklace. It will be a keepsake she will cherish forever.
Some popular necklace
pendants include:
Photos of gift giver
Photos of couple
Photos of favorite travels together
Sentimental messages
Any sentimental photo
Most popular sentiments:
"I love you"
"I love (name)"
Sentimental date (wedding, engagement, first date)
Their name, or your name
"My heart belongs to (name)"
If you would like to order this necklace, or the coordinating bracelet, contact Lisa Klipfel with
Heritage Makers, who can get you 10% off the retail price of the necklace by mentioning the Orange County Wedding Center. Jewelry needs to be ordered by January 31, 2010, in order for them to arrive by Valentine's Day. You will need to supply 1-6 photos. Contact Lisa early so you don't miss out on this great deal.
Lisa Klipfel
Independent Consultant for
Heritage Makers(949) 291-2128